Words that Burn off the Fog

Hi there, I’m Jodi. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Who am I? (Well, here’s the short version):

~ A woman, newly awakened to the worldwide oppression of women and girls, finding her voice 

~ A wife & stay-at-home mom

~ Lover of books, words, and caffeine – Give me a book (or a good blog!) and a cup of coffee and all is right with the world.

~ Terrified writer and blogger – I’m compelled to write and just tired of getting in my own way with all the self-doubt, so here we go with this blog thing.

Why do I write this blog?

Something was awakened in me about 3 years ago.

The comfortable, suburban fog of my life as a privileged stay-at-home mom living in the United States with all life’s modern conveniences and freedoms was lifted as I began to understand more clearly the plight of women and girls worldwide.

Issues – like human trafficking, modern-day slavery, child brides, lack of basic care, education, and even death due to the lack of regard for females, simply because of their gender – snatched my attention and there’s been no turning back since.  Believe it or not, it all started with just words on a page…

Books, like Half the Sky, Half the Church, The Good News About Injustice, The Slave Next Door, have burnt off that self-centered, comfortable fog. These words, these stories of women and girls have stayed with me. These words changed me forever – not just to open my mouth to tell others or to simply type some words on a page, but to find meaningful, practical ways to act right where I am from my seemingly small sphere of influence.

It’s my hope, desire, and newfound mission to bring awareness, to inspire others to act, to help others shed their indifference, ambivalence, or simply the misguided notion that no one can really make a difference. I want to challenge that and be challenged in return.

One voice…One life…To make a difference for someone, even just one other person…right where I am.  Here, now, today.

And, so, that’s me…

Who are you? Tell me in your comments.

I’d love to hear from you.